8P module

Printed 8P prototype to expand the range. It bumps up the capacity to almost 30AH range. Bellow it is in comparison to 6P module, about the size of LG V20 smartphone. What you think, good, too much?


8 thoughts on “8P module”

    1. Hi. 8P module cases will not be available for purchase as they are quiet large to ship and it would make more sense to get them printed locally if possible. There is a possibility to supply them however shipping times depend on quantities.
      All should be available for shipping arround 20/11/2017

  1. Hi Agnius,
    I have just received my 8P modules today and they are a quality product well designed and engineered, robust and fit together perfectly, have also made my project a whole lot easier and quicker to get on with, not only do I have a battery pack that looks good itโ€™s maintainable as well without any soldering which is a perfect for me.
    Thanks for your quick response to my emails and smooth order, transaction process.

  2. Is is possible to have either the 6p or the 8p shipped to my great country.. Nigeria?
    If so,what would be the cost implications for me?
    They are very good and a convenient way of setting up a power wall.

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